A new guide book “The Irish and the World” to complement a visit to EPIC The Irish Emigration Museum is now available. Published through Scala, one of the world’s leading publishers of books for museums, galleries and educational institutions, the 64 page guide has been researched and written by Nathan Mannion, EPIC’s Head of Exhibitions and Programmes.
For centuries the people of Ireland have been departing the shores of their homeland, setting out to the four corners of the world, in search of opportunities, adventure and a place to call home. This book is an engaging guide, revealing the powerful, extraordinary stories of the Irish emigration around the world, from early times to the modern day.
The book also features the history of 200 year old CHQ Building where the museum is based as well as the history of the great Crimean Banquet in Dublin of 1856. Stories of the voyages of the Jeanie Johnston Famine Ship and of the Irish Family History Centre operated by our genealogy partners Eneclann close out the book.
The book is available in the EPIC Museum Gift Shop and online. It retails at €10.