
Looking East: Ireland + India Bibliography

Looking East: Ireland + India

Select bibliography

Colonial rule

Brillman, M. L., “A Crucial Administrative Interlude: Sir Antony MacDonnell’s Return to Ireland, 1902-04″, New Hibernia Review / Iris Éireannach Nua , 9/2 (2005), pp. 65-83

Cook, Scott B., “The Irish Raj: Social Origins and Careers of Irishmen in the Indian Civil Service, 1855-1914″, The Journal of Social History, 20/3 (1987), pp. 507-529

Crosbie, Barry, Irish Imperial Networks: Migration, Social Communication and Exchange in Nineteenth-Century India (2012)

Dalrymple, William, Anarchy: The Relentless Rise of the East India Company (2019)

Gannon, Seán William, “’The Green Frame of British Rule?’ – Irish in the Indian Civil Service”, The Irish Story (2020), irishstory.com

Karsten, Peter, “Irish Soldiers in the British Army 1792-1922: Suborned or Subordinate?”,  Journal of Social History, 17/1 (1983), pp. 31-64

Mokyr, Joel and Ó Gráda, Cormac, “The Height of Irishmen and Englishmen in the 1770s: Some Evidence from the East India Company Army Records”, Eitghteenth Century Ireland / Iris an dá chultúr, 4 (1989) pp. 83-92

Ohlmeyer, Jane, Making Empire: Ireland, Imperialism, and the Early Modern World (2024) and “Ireland, India and the British Empire”, Studies in People’s Histories, 2/2 (2015), pp.169-188

O’Leary, Patrick, Servants of the Empire: The Irish in Punjab 1881-1921 (2011)

William O’Shaughnessy, medical pioneer

Arnold, David, Science, Technology and Medicine in Colonial India (2002)

Borougerdi, Bradley J., Commodifying Cannabis: A Cultural History of a Complex Plant in the Atlantic World (2018)

Gorman, Mel, “Sir William O’Shaughnessy, Lord Dalhousie and the Establishment of the Telegraph System in India”, Technology and Culture, 12/4 (1971), pp. 581-601

Ireland and the Amritsar massacre

Ilahi, Shereen, Imperial Violence and the Path to Independence: India, Ireland and the Crisis of Empire (2016)

O’Malley, Kate, “The Amritsar Massacre, 13 April, 1919”, RTÉ / Century Ireland, via rte.ie

Famine emigration to India

McConnell, Turlough, “Passages East and West: An Irish Indian Comes Home”, Irish America Magazine (2022), via irishamerica.com

Kinealy, Christine, “Private Donations to Ireland during An Gorta Mór”, Seanchas Ardmhacha: Journal of the Armagh Diocesan Historical Society, 17/2 (1998), pp. 109-120

Annie Besant

Anderson, Nancy Fix, “Bridging Cross-Cultural Feminisms: Annie Besant and Women’s Rights in England and India, 1874-1933″, Women’s History Review, 3/4 (1994), pp. 563-580

Mortimer, Joan Stafford, “Annie Besant and India 1913-17″, Journal of Contemporary History, (18/1) 1983, pp.61-78

Magedera, Ian H., Indian Videshinis: European Women in India (2018)

Besant, Annie Wood, Annie Besant: An Autobiography (1893)

Margaret Cousins

Atwal, Jyoti, “Margaret Elizabeth Cousins and Transnationalism:  An Irish Suffragette as an Anti-Colonial Feminist in Colonial India”, Gender and History: Ireland, 1852–1922 (2022), pp. 248-264

Candy, Catherine, “Relating Feminisms, Nationalisms, and Imperialisms: Ireland, India and Margaret Cousins’s Sexual Politics”, Women’s History Review, 3/4 (1994), pp. 581-594

Cousins, James H. and Cousins, Margaret E., We Two Together (1950)

Tusan, Michelle Elizabeth, “Writing Stri Dharma: International Feminism, Nationalist Politics and Women’s Press Advocacy in Late Colonial India”, Women’s History Review, 12/4 (2003), pp. 623-649

Sister Nivedita

Barua, Ankur, “The Hindu Cosmopolitanism of Sister Nivedita (Margaret Elizabeth Noble): An Irish Self in Imperial Currents”, Harvard Theological Review, 113/1 (2019), pp. 1-23

Gupta, Jayati, “Many Journeys, Many Selves: The Travels of Margaret Elizabeth Noble”, Studies in Travel Writing, 20/2 (2016), pp. 176-189

Nivedita, Sister, The Web of Indian Life (1904) and Glimpses of Famine and Flood in East Bengal in 1906 (1907)

Nationalism: Irish and Indian connections

De Valera, Éamon, Ireland and India (1920)

O’Malley, Kate, Ireland, India and Empire: Indo-Irish Radical Connections, 1919-64 (2008)

Kelly, Stephen, “A Policy of Futility: Eamon de Valera’s Anti-Partition Campaign, 1948–1951”, Études irlandaises, 36/2 (2011), pp. 1–13

Lal, Vinay, “Terence MacSwiney, Hunger-Striking, and the Intertwined Histories of India and Ireland”, Lal Salaam: A Blog by Vinay Lal, via vinaylal.wordpress.com

Mutiny by the Connaught Rangers

Atwal, Jyoti and O’Halpin, Eunan (eds), India, Ireland and Anti-Imperial Struggle: Remembering the Connaught Rangers Mutiny, 1920 (New Delhi, 2021)

Silvestri, Michael, Ireland and India: Nationalism, Empire, and Memory (2009)

Blog: “Mutiny in India – 28 June/ 1 July 1920”, Military Service Pensions Collection, via militarypensions.wordpress.com

Literary ties: W.B. Yeats and Rabindranath Tagore

Ghosh, Amrita and Brewer Redwine, Elizabeth, Tagore and Yeats: A Postcolonial Re-envisioning (2022)

Sen, Malcolm, “Mythologising a ‘Mystic’: W.B. Yeats on the Poetry of Rabindranath Tagore”, History Ireland (July/August 2010), via historyireland.com

Indian migration to Ireland

Exhibition: Association of Mixed Race Irish, Mixed Museum, “Sake Dean Mahomed and Jane Daly”, misedmuseum.org.uk

Bartlett, James, “Dean Mahomet: Travel Writer, Curry Entrepreneur and Shampooer to the King”, History Ireland (September/October, 2007), via historyireland.com

Fisher, Michael (ed), The Travels of Dean Mahomet: An Eighteenth-Century Journey through India (1997)

Giri, V. V., My Life and Times (1976)

Mac Con Iomaire, Máirtín, “Mike Butt”, in Arndt, Alice (ed), Culinary Biographies (2006), pp. 85-6

Mulvagh, Conor, Irish Days, Indian Memories: V. V. Giri and Indian Law Students at University College Dublin, 1913-1916 (2016)

Garcia, Humberto, “Loving Strangers in Ireland: Indo-Celtic Masculinities in The Travels Of Dean Mahomet and Mirza Abu Talib Khan”, in England Re-Oriented: How Central and South Asian Travelers Imagined the West, 1750-1857 (2020), pp. 123-169

Ibraham, Vivian, “Integration: ‘Seeing a Vision in a Pool of Ink’: ‘The Mir’ of India in Ireland”, History Ireland (May/June, 2010), via historyireland.com

Singh, Satwinder, “Formations of the Sikh Community in Ireland”, MPhil dissertation, Technological University Dublin (2013)